--------- * for logged/registered users there is a new graph with the direction of the wind --------- - admin revize --------- - admin revize - admin revize - admin revize - admin revize - admin revize --------- * fix bug in wind speed chart - gust --------- * fix and improve export measure data - Professional licence --------- * fix problem with export data (professional licences) --------- * add automatic map updates every 5 minutes showing you the stations - temperature, wind, rain * add option to filter station according to the quality of measured data - on the home page with a map * add definitions of levels of precision weather station: "default" = normal, "medium" = certified station, "high" = certikovaná stations and certified installation * upgrade maps - Google API3 * new behaviors pop-up window on the map - automatically display when you place your mouse over the marker, click on the marker info window "pinned" to the map * change the appearance of info window above the mark on the map * load map points on the background without loading the whole page (when you change the view - temperature, wind, rain) --------- * add export measure data for the "Professional" licences type --------- * add "guard" switch in the profile weather station, this feature checking is weather station sending data to meteoserver - feature is available only for the Standard and Profesional licences * add language setting in user profile --------- * support for automatic calculation of dew point, if station is not provide --------- * new line chart for wind gust --------- * Display your own description of the sensor in the graph * Fixed wrong label for internal statistics, graphs --------- * Display text information in the absence of data for graphs --------- - admin revize --------- - admin revize - admin revize - admin revize --------- - admin revize * On the page with current data to be automatically renewed also the time when the last read data * A list of custom stations (left of the screen) now restores its status every 10 minutes --------- - admin revize --------- - admin revize --------- * fix header table dump stations for Chrome * Fixed problem with accented characters in the Filter Weather Station * Added button to reset the Filter Weather Station * Support for the daily history of additional temperature sensors --------- * Unification of GUI elements, the standardization of control * Stations in the statement is a new option to select only its own stations * change the theme of dialogue and graphic buttons * when creating custom views are offered only station active in the last hour --------- * optimization of the loading speed gauges - actual data * Page with gauges (actual data) will now automatically refreshes the data every 5 minutes --------- * the use of better quality images with the measured values of gauges - admin revize --------- - admin revize - admin revize --------- - admin revize - admin revize --------- * if you logoff, then at mini-view error message: "Illegal Access" * fix a graph of humidity - a substitution chart temperature * support for an gauge with wind gusts * support for charts with wind gusts --------- * fix inability to display quick information about the station on the main map * fix language localization in the switch from the current view of data in history - graphs * in history with graphs outdoor temperature chart was removed with 60 day interval * generation of statistical data in temperature (average, minimum and maximum) is now a newly converted data back every day for 30 days - takes into account the re-recorded the missing data --------- * fixes currently measured data from other time zones * repaired display inaccessible sensors in the mini view * list of revisions is available now in English